Wednesday, March 9, 2011


After watching the clip I thought that teachers should have a say in their salaries. They shouldn't eliminate collective bargaining. In fact, they should give a pay raise to teachers. They're the one where we learn information from as we grow up. It's a basic necessity.
As for the democrats hiding, it is true for republicans as well when there is an issue that they want to "thwart a vote on the measure." The region they're trying to imply here in this video is most likely the middle east. Maybe Afghanistan or Iraq because there was a "terrorist" in the video and "check points."

1) "Mile after mile of unforgiving terrain devoid of any sign of humanity."
He's trying to say that Illinois or wherever he was going is kind of like a war zone. This clip can be looked at like the aftermath of the Tsunami in Indonesia in 2004. 

2) "The Rockford Province"
I think he was referring to all of the mountains and caves in the middle east where all of these senators are hiding just like Bin laden.

3) "So I could put it on my Facebook page..."
Instead of having proof to bring them to justice, he's gonna put it on facebook. Basically he just trying to be the "first" to have proof of these senators before everyone else. He is trying to be popular on facebook I guess.

4) "It's kinda like Hooters...ah, a Scottish-type Hooters I suppose."
Maybe this was suppose to show how unproductive these senators are. First they're hiding in the "Rockford Province" and now they're having a fund time at a Scottish Hooters. I don't know why but this reminds me of Bill Clinton who is the President of the United States having an affair with Monica Lewinsky. He shouldn't be having fun especially in the biggest position of all.

5) "Your Wisconsin cheese will run red with blood."
I think he's saying something about killing people.

6) "That would be f-cking golden."
They were referring to the fact that if they find where the senators are hiding, it would be "f-cking golden." I think they're also trying to make fun of how Rod Blagojevich who was trying to exchange an appointment of Obama's seat for money.

7)"The Infamous I-90 Pass"
I guess this kind of refers to the underground railroad in a way because it because it was also used for slaves to escape and here these democratic senators are using this I-90 as their passage.

8) "The Wisconsin 15"
Personally it so sounds to me like a gang. This phrase reminds me of "little rock nine".

9) "If I order a chalupa can I just go?"
I think he is showing us how if we pay people, they will let you go through. Drive-thrus are basically check points.

10) "Women here are forced to wear dehumanizing 17th Century clothing and deliver nachos for the men-folk."
Maybe this was trying to show how women were being treated badly back in the day. They're basically slaves for men.

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